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Indoor Performance Testing

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Flash Testing Program

  • CFV runs a research-grade flasher program, with a h.a.l.m. laboratory flasher operating at A+A+A+ with a c-Si Pmp uncertainty of +/- 1.9%.

  • CFV uses Fraunhofer WPVS reference cells calibrated by PTB.

  • Spectral and irradiance uniformity measurements are taken quarterly.

  • CFV participates in inter-lab flash comparisons with Fraunhofer, SERIS, NREL and Sandia Labs with extremely tight results.

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PAN File Generation

  • Building on top of our flasher program, CFV is a world-class provider of PAN files.

  • Our h.a.l.m. laboratory grade A+A+A+ flasher has an integrated temperature chmaber, making it ideal for measuring temperature and irradiance matrices according to IEC 61853-1.

  • CFV has built it's own proprietary software - PANOpt - to fit the 61853-1 measured data to PVSyst's single diode model.

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IEC 61853 Services

  • IEC 61853-1 matrix testing provides the standard dataset to fit various performance model paramters (PVSyst single diode model, SAPM, etc.)

  • IEC 61853-2 tests analyze the effects of angle-of-incidence (IAM), temperature and wind effects (NMOT), and spectral sensitivities (EQE).

  • CFV Labs carries out all these tests accurately and works with NREL and Fraunhofer ISE to provide high quality EQE data.

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