Indoor Performance Testing
Flash Testing Program
CFV runs a research-grade flasher program, with a h.a.l.m. laboratory flasher operating at A+A+A+ with a c-Si Pmp uncertainty of +/- 1.9%.
CFV uses Fraunhofer WPVS reference cells calibrated by PTB.
Spectral and irradiance uniformity measurements are taken quarterly.
CFV participates in inter-lab flash comparisons with Fraunhofer, SERIS, NREL and Sandia Labs with extremely tight results.
PAN File Generation
Building on top of our flasher program, CFV is a world-class provider of PAN files.
Our h.a.l.m. laboratory grade A+A+A+ flasher has an integrated temperature chmaber, making it ideal for measuring temperature and irradiance matrices according to IEC 61853-1.
CFV has built it's own proprietary software - PANOpt - to fit the 61853-1 measured data to PVSyst's single diode model.
IEC 61853 Services
IEC 61853-1 matrix testing provides the standard dataset to fit various performance model paramters (PVSyst single diode model, SAPM, etc.)
IEC 61853-2 tests analyze the effects of angle-of-incidence (IAM), temperature and wind effects (NMOT), and spectral sensitivities (EQE).
CFV Labs carries out all these tests accurately and works with NREL and Fraunhofer ISE to provide high quality EQE data.